
Belarus stamps

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Prices of Belarus stamps

Belarus catalogue No.

Michel catalogue No.


Date of issue Value, BLR Price, USD Michel catalogue price
1992 year
1 1 Stamp Cross of St. Yevphrosinia of Polotsk 20.03.1992 1 0,15 0,8
2 2 Stamp Birth centennial of G.R.Shyrma 10.04.1992 0,2 0,15 0,5
3 3 Stamp Municipal arms of Polotsk 09.07.1992 2 0,1 0,8
4 5 Stamp National Flag of the Republic of Belarus 31.08.1992 5 0,2 1,3
5 4 Stamp National Emblem of the Republic of Belarus 31.08.1992 5 0,2 1,3
6 6 Stamp Cross of St. Yevphrosinia of Polotsk  with overprint "Millennium of Orthodox Church in Belarus" 25.09.1992 1 0,2 0,7
7 7A Souvenir sheet Cross of St. Yevphrosinia of Polotsk (perforated) 25.09.1992 5 0,25 2
7A 7B Souvenir sheet Cross of St. Yevphrosinia of Polotsk (imperforate) 25.09.1992 5 0,25 3
8 8 Stamp Castle of Nyesvizh 15.10.1992 2 0,1 0,4
9 9 Stamp St. Boris and Gleb Church 15.10.1992 2 0,1 0,4
10 10 Stamp Castle of Mir 15.10.1992 2 0,1 0,4
11 11 Stamp Tower of Kamyenets 15.10.1992 2 0,1 0,4
12 12 Stamp Church of Spaso-Yevphrosinia convent 15.10.1992 2 0,1 0,4
13 13 Stamp Spaso-Preobrazhensky church 15.10.1992 2 0,1 0,4
14 14 Definitive stamp National emblem of RB "Pogonya" (0,30 rub.) 06.11.1992 0,3 0,3 0,8
15 15 Definitive stamp National emblem of RB "Pogonya" (0,45 rub.) 06.11.1992 0,45
16 16 Definitive stamp National emblem of RB "Pogonya" (0,50 rub.) 06.11.1992 0,5
17 17 Stamp Belarus Pottery – Jar and basin 21.12.1992 1 0,4 1,2
18 20 Stamp Belarus Pottery – Jar, jug and pots on a stave 21.12.1992 1
19 19 Stamp Belarus Pottery – Jug and pot 21.12.1992 1
20 18 Stamp Belarus Pottery – Pot with a thin throat 21.12.1992 1
1993 year
21 21 Definitive stamp National emblem of RB "Pogonya" (1  rub.) 05.01.1993 1 0,5 2,5
22 22 Definitive stamp National emblem of RB "Pogonya" (2  rub.) 05.01.1993 2
23 23 Definitive stamp National emblem of RB "Pogonya" (3  rub.) 05.01.1993 3
24 24 Definitive stamp National emblem of RB "Pogonya" (10  rub.) 05.01.1993 10
25 25 Definitive stamp National emblem of RB "Pogonya" (5  rub.) 08.02.1993 5 0,6 2,5
26 26 Definitive stamp National emblem of RB "Pogonya" (15  rub.) 08.02.1993 15
27 27 Definitive stamp National emblem of RB "Pogonya" (25  rub.) 08.02.1993 25
28 28 Stamp Belarus Straw ware - Birds 22.04.1993 5 0,05 0,2
29 29 Stamp Belarus Straw ware – Mother and baby 22.04.1993 10 0,1 0,3
30 30 Stamp Belarus Straw ware – Belarus girl 22.04.1993 15 0,15 0,5
31 31 St. Bel. Straw ware – Mowers of  Palesye region 22.04.1993 25 0,2 1
32 32 Definitive stamp National emblem of RB "Pogonya" (50  rub.) 14.06.1993 50 0,8 2
33 33 Definitive stamp National emblem of RB "Pogonya" (100  rub.) 14.06.1993 100
34 34 Definitive stamp National emblem of RB "Pogonya" (150  rub.) 14.06.1993 150
35 35 Stamp Birth centennial of M. I. Goretsky 22.06.1993 50 0,15 0,5
36 36 Stamp The first congress of Belarusians of the World 08.07.1993 50 0,25 1,5
37 56 Stamp Europa 93. Marc Chagall  –  "Stroll" 12.10.1993 1500 15 15
38 55 Stamp Europa 93. Marc Chagall  –  "Over Vitebsk" 12.10.1993 1500
37-38 55-56 Sheetlet Marc Chagall  (8 stamps) 12.10.1993   140 60
39 57 Souvenir sheet Marc Chagal 12.10.1993 2500
40 49 II Overprint in Belarusian on stamp No.4 "Winter Olympic Games in Lillehammer, Norway" 15.10.1993 1500 110  
41 49 I Overprint in English on stamp No.4 "Winter Olympic Games in Lillehammer, Norway" 15.10.1993 1500
42 50 II Overprint in Belarusian on stamp No.5 "Winter Olympic Games in Lillehammer, Norway" 15.10.1993 1500
43 50 I Overprint in English on stamp No.5 "Winter Olympic Games in Lillehammer, Norway". 15.10.1993 1500
44 51 Overprint in Belarusian on souvenir sheet No.1 "Winter Olympic Games in Lillehammer, Norway" 15.10.1993 1500
44A 51 Overprint in English on souvenir sheet No.1 "Winter Olympic Games in Lillehammer, Norway" 15.10.1993 1500
45 51 Overprint in Belarusian on souvenir sheet No.1a "Winter Olympic Games in Lillehammer, Norway" 15.10.1993 1500
45A 51 Overprint in English on souvenir sheet No.1a "Winter Olympic Games in Lillehammer, Norway" 15.10.1993 1500
46 52 II Overprint in Belarusian on stamp No. 4 "Football World Cup, USA, 1994" 15.10.1993 1500
47 52 I Overprint in English on stamp No. 4 "Football World Cup, USA, 1994" 15.10.1993 1500
48 53 II Overprint in Belarusian on stamp No. 5 "Football World Cup, USA, 1994" 15.10.1993 1500
49 53 I Overprint in English on stamp No. 5 "Football World Cup, USA, 1994" 15.10.1993 1500
50 54 Overprint in Belarusian on souvenir sheet No.1 "Football World Cup, USA, 1994" 15.10.1993 1500
50A 54 Overprint in English on souvenir sheet No. 1 "Football World Cup, USA, 1994" 15.10.1993 1500
51 54 Overprint in Belarusian on souvenir sheet No. 1a "Football World Cup, USA, 1994" 15.10.1993 1500
51A 54 Overprint in English on souvenir sheet No. 1a  "Football World Cup, USA, 1994" 15.10.1993 1500
52 37 Stamp Municipal arms of Minsk 10.11.1993 25 0,1 0,5
53 38 Stamp Church of Carmelites 25.11.1993 150 0,2 0,8
54 42 Stamp Monument to Symon Budny 29.12.1993 100 0,2 0,7
55 39 Stamp Portrait of Kalinovsky 30.12.1993 50 0,15 0,5
56 40 Stamp Portrait of prince Ragvolod 31.12.1993 75 0,2 0,5
57 41 Stamp Portrait of princess Ragneda 31.12.1993 75 0,2 0,5
1994 year
58-60 43-45

Block of 4 stamps Birds (3 stamps + 1 coupon)

28.01.1994 100 0,2 0,6
61 46 Overprint “15,00” on definit. stamp 14 28.01.1994 15 0,1 0,2
62 47 Overprint “25,00” on definit. stamp 15 28.01.1994 25 0,1 0,3
63 48 Overprint “50,00” on definit. stamp 16 28.01.1994 50 0,1 0,5
61-63 46-48 Overprints «Turncoats» 28.01.1994 15+25+50 6  
64-66 58-60 Block of 4 stamps 50-th liberation  anniversary 03.07.1994   0,4 2
67 63 Stamp Belarus painters - Pjotr Sergiyevich 08.07.1994 300 0,3 0,8
68 61 Stamp Belarus painters - Ferdinand Rushchits 08.07.1994 300
69 62 Stamp Belarus painters - Jazep Drazdovich 08.07.1994 300
70 66 Stamp XVII Winter Olympic Games – Skiing 30.08.1994 1000 0,5 1,5
71 67 Stamp XVII Winter Olymp. Games - Biathlon 30.08.1994 1000
72 65 Stamp XVII Winter Ol.Games-Figure-skating 30.08.1994 1000
73 68 Stamp XVII Winter Olymp. Games – Skating 30.08.1994 1000
74 64 Stamp XVII Winter Olymp. Games – Hockey 30.08.1994 1000
75 69 Stamp Birds - Golden eagle 30.08.1994 300 0,3 1
76 70 Stamp Birds – Kingfisher 30.08.1994 400
77 71 Stamp Birds - Whooping swan 30.08.1994 400
78 73 Stamp Municipal arms of Vitebsk 10.10.1994 700 0,1 0,3
79 72 Stamp Municipal arms of Grodno 10.10.1994 700 0,1 0,3
80 74 Stamp Church-fortress in Sinkovichi 17.10.1994 700 0,1 0,3
81 75 Stamp Petropavlovski cathedral in Gomel 17.10.1994 700 0,1 0,3
82-83 76-77 Stamp-strip 150-th birth anniversary of Ilja Repin 31.10.1994 2õ1000 0,3 1,5
84 78 Definitive stamp National emblem “Pogonja” 29.12.1994 200 4 4
85 79 Definitive stamp National emblem “Pogonja” 29.12.1994 300
86 80 Definitive stamp National emblem “Pogonja” 29.12.1994 600
87 81 Definitive stamp National emblem “Pogonja” 29.12.1994 1000
88 82 Definitive stamp National emblem “Pogonja” 29.12.1994 3000
1995 year
89 83 Stamp Leaders of liberation uprising of 1794 - A.T.Kostjushko 11.01.1995 1000 0,3 1,5
90 84 Stamp Leaders of liberation uprising of 1794 – Jakub Jasinski 11.01.1995 600
91 85 Stamp Leaders of liberation uprising of 1794 – Tomash Volzhetski 11.01.1995 600
92 86 Stamp Leaders of liberation uprising of 1794 - M.K.Aginskij 11.01.1995 1000
93 87 Stamp Victory obelisk in Minsk 04.05.1995 180 0,1 0,2
94 88 Stamp Victory obelisk in Minsk 04.05.1995 600 0,1 0,3
95 90 Definitive stamp Victory obelisk in Minsk 06.05.1995 180 0,05 0,2
96 89 Stamp Invention Centennial of Radio 07.05.1995 600 0,1 0,5
97 92 Stamp 150-th birth anniversary of I.D.Chersky 15.05.1995 600 0,1 0,5
98 91 Definitive stamp Victory obelisk in Minsk 19.05.1995 280 0,1 0,3
99 93 Stamp Belarusian national clothes - Motalsk region 13.07.1995 180 0,3 1
100 94 Stamp Belarusian national clothes -Volkovisk region 13.07.1995 600
101 95 Stamp Belarusian national clothes - Pukhovichy reg. 13.07.1995 1200
102 96 Stamp European beaver (gnawing the branch) 20.07.1995 300 0,4 1,5
103 98 Stamp European beaver (carrying the branch) 20.07.1995 450
104 97 Stamp European beaver (sitting) 20.07.1995 450
105 99 Stamp European beaver (swimming) 20.07.1995 800
106 100 Stamp Day of Belarusian book writing & printing 29.08.1995 600 0,1 0,4
107 101 Definitive stamp Victory obelisk in Minsk 29.09.1995 600 0,1 0,4
108 102 Stamp National emblem of the Republic of Belarus 03.10.1995 600 0,1 0,3
109 103 Stamp National flag of the Republic of Belarus 03.10.1995 600 0,1 0,3
110 104 Stamp 50-th anniversary of UNO 24.10.1995 600 0,1 0,4
111 105 Stamp Church of Carmelites in Mstislavl 21.11.1995 600 0,1 0,3
112 106 Stamp Church of John the Baptist in Kamai village 21.11.1995 600 0,1 0,3
113 108 Overprint “125-th birth anniversary” and year “1995” on stamp No. 68 27.12.1995 300 0,3 0,5
114 107 Stamp Birth centennial of Pavel Sukhoi 27.12.1995 600 0,2 0,5
115 109(5) Souvenir sheet Red deer 29.12.1995 10000 0,6 2,5
116 110 Stamp Prominent historic persons of Belarus – Lev Sapega 30.12.1995 600 0,25 1
117 111 Stamp Prominent historic persons of Belarus – Kazimir Semenovich 30.12.1995 1200
118 112 Stamp Prominent historic persons of Belarus – Simeon Polotski 30.12.1995 1800
1996 year
119 113 Definitive stamp Victory obelisk in Minsk 31.01.1996 200 0,5 0,5
120 114 Stamp Lynx 06.02.1996 1000 0,8 3,5
121 115 Stamp Roe 06.02.1996 2000
122 116 Stamp Bear 06.02.1996 2000
123 117 Stamp Elk 06.02.1996 3000
124 118 Stamp Belovezhsky bison 06.02.1996 5000
125 119 Overprint “B” on stamp No. 21 23.02.1996 «Â» 0,1 0,3
125 119 Overprint «Turncoat» 23.02.1996 «Â» 2  
125 119 Overprint «Abklatsch» 23.02.1996 «Â» 1  
126 120 Stamp Birth centennial of Kandrat Krapiva 05.03.1996 1000 0,1 0,3
127 121 Overprint “A” on stamp No. 27 11.03.1996 «À» 0,1 0,3
127 121 Overprint «Turncoat» 11.03.1996 «À» 2  
127 121 Overprint «Abklatsch» 23.02.1996 «À» 1  
128 122 Souvenir sheet European beaver 26.03.1996 1200 0,3 0,7
129-136 123-130 Sheetlet Butterflies 29.03.1996 8õ300 12 29
137 132 Souvenir sheet Butterflies - Vacciniina optilete 29.03.1996 1000
138 131 Souvenir sheet Butterflies - Proserpinus proserpina 29.03.1996 1000
139-141 133-135 Block of 4 stamps 10 years since Chernobil tragedy 10.04.1996 3000 0,2 0,7
142 136 Definitive stamp National emblem of the Republic of Belarus 05.06.1996 100 5 18
143 137 Definitive stamp National emblem of RB 05.06.1996 500
144 138 Definitive stamp National emblem of RB 05.06.1996 600
145 139 Definitive stamp National emblem of RB 05.06.1996 1000
146 140 Definitive stamp National emblem of RB (red) 05.06.1996 1500
147 141 Definitive stamp National emblem of RB 05.06.1996 1800
148 142 Definitive stamp National emblem of RB 05.06.1996 2200
149 143 Definitive stamp National emblem of RB 05.06.1996 3300
150 144 Definitive stamp National emblem of RB 05.06.1996 5000
151 145 Definitive stamp National emblem of RB 05.06.1996 10000
152 146 Definitive stamp National emblem of RB 05.06.1996 30000
153 147 Definitive stamp National emblem of RB 05.06.1996 50000
154 148 Stamp Community agreement between Belarus and Russia 14.06.1996 1500 0,1 0,5
155 149 Stamp XXVI Olympic Games - Gymnastics 15.07.1996 3000 0,9 3,7
156 150 Stamp XXVI Olympic Games - Athletics 15.07.1996 3000
157 151 Stamp XXVI Olympic Games - Wrestling 15.07.1996 3000
158 152 Stamp XXVI Olympic Games - Weight-lifting 15.07.1996 3000
159 153(9) Souvenir sheet Shooting 15.07.1996 5000
160 154 Stamp Belarus national clothes - Kopil & Kletsk region 13.08.1996 1800 0,7 2,4
161 155 Stamp Belarus national clothes - David-Gorodok region 13.08.1996 2200
162 156 Stamp Belarus national clothes - Kobrin region 13.08.1996 3300
163 157(10) Souvenir sheet Belarus national clothes - Narovlja region 13.08.1996 5000
164 159 Stamp Medicinal herbs - Sanguisorba officinalis 15.08.1996 1500 0,7 2,7
165 158 Stamp Medicinal herbs - Acorus calamus 15.08.1996 1500
166 160 Stamp Medicinal herbs - Potentilla erecta 15.08.1996 2200
167 161 Stamp Medicinal herbs - Frangula alnus mill 15.08.1996 3300
168 162(11) Souvenir sheet Medicinal herbs - Menyanthes trifoliata 15.08.1996 5000
169-184 163-178 Sheetlet Ducks 10.09.1996 16õ400 12 32
185 191 Souvenir sheet Ducks - Aythya ferina 10.09.1996 1000
186-197 179-190 Sheetlet Water wading birds 10.09.1996 12õ400
198 192 Souvenir sheet Water wading birds - Gallinago gallinago 10.09.1996 1000
199 193 Stamp Quatercentenary of the Slavonic Grammar book 19.09.1996 1500 0,1 0,5
200 195 Stamp Franciscans’ church in Pinsk 24.09.1996 3300 0,2 1
201 194 Stamp Church of St.Nickolas in Mogilyov 24.09.1996 3300
202 196 Stamp Birth centennial of  N. Schekotikhin 16.10.1996 2000 0,1 0,5
203 197 Stamp Centennial of Minsk telephone network 14.11.1996 2000 0,1 0,5
204 198 Definitive stamp National emblem of RB 21.11.1996 200 0,5 0,5
205 199 Stamp A.Lukashenko - the first president of RB 06.12.1996 2500 0,2 0,5
206 200 Stamp Prominent historic persons of Belarus - Kirila Turovsky 17.12.1996 3000 0,3 1,5
207 202 Stamp Prominent historic persons of Belarus - Mikola Gusovsky 17.12.1996 3000
208 201 Stamp Promin. historic persons of Belarus - Nikolay R. Chorny 17.12.1996 3000
209 203 Stamp Happy New Year 21.12.1996 1500 0,2 0,6
210 204 Stamp Happy New Year 21.12.1996 2000
211 205 Stamp Belarus icons - The Virgin Hodigitria of Smolensk 26.12.1996 3500 1 3,7
212 206 Stamp Belarus icons - St. Paraskeva 26.12.1996 3500
213 207 Stamp Belarus icons - St. Ilya 26.12.1996 3500
214 208 Stamp Belarus icons - The selected saints 26.12.1996 3500
215 209 Souvenir sheet Icon Nativity of the Virgin 26.12.1996 5000
216 210 Stamp Birth centennial of G. Zhukov 31.12.1996 2000 0,2 0,5
217 211 Stamp Yanka Kupala national academic theatre 31.12.1996 3500 0,15 0,6
1997 year
218 212 Definitive stamp National emblem of the Republic of Belarus 09.01.1997 400 0,4 0,8
219 214 Definitive stamp National emblem of RB 09.01.1997 2000
220 213 Definitive stamp National emblem of RB (blue) 16.01.1997 1500
221 215 Stamp 125th anniversary of V. Belynitsky-Birulya 26.02.1997 2000 0,2 0,5
222 216 Overprint “105th birth anniversary” and “3500” on stamp No.2 10.03.1997 3500 0,3 0,6
223 217 Stamp Rare fish species of Belarus - Trout 10.04.1997 2000 0,9 3,7
224 218 Stamp Rare fish species of Belarus – Vimba 10.04.1997 3000
225 219 Stamp Rare fish species of Belarus - Barbel 10.04.1997 4500
226 220 Stamp Rare fish species of Belarus - Grayling 10.04.1997 4500
227 221 Souvenir sheet Rare fish species of Belarus - Sterlet 10.04.1997 5000
228-229 222-223 Stamp-strip Environment and ozone layer protection 16.04.1997 7500 0,3 1,2
230 224 Stamp 50th anniversary of Belarus  entry into UPU 13.05.1997 3000 0,2 0,6
230 224 Stamp 50th anniversary of Belarus  entry into UPU (fluorescent paper) 13.05.1997 3000 35  
231 225 Overprint of  new value “100” and year “1997” on defin. st. No.22 22.05.1997 2 0,1 0,3
231 225 Overprint of  new value “100” and year “1997” «Turncoat» 22.05.1997 2 1,5  
232 226 Stamp Independence Day 26.06.1997 3000 0,2 0,6
233 227 Stamp Belarus national clothes - Dysna region 10.07.1997 2000 0,4 1,5
234 228 Stamp Belarus national clothes - Novogrudok region 10.07.1997 3000
235 229 Stamp Belarus national clothes - Bykhov region 10.07.1997 4500
236 230 St. 480th anniv. of Belarus book-printing - F.Skorina in Vilnya 07.09.1997 3000 0,7 2,5
237 231 St. 480th anniv. of Belarus book-printing - F.Skorina in Prague 07.09.1997 3000
238 232 St. 480th anniv. of Belarus book-print. - F.Skorina in Polotsk  Set    07.09.1997 4000
239 233 St. 480th anniv. of Belarus book-print. - F.Skorina in Krakow 07.09.1997 7500
240 234 Stamp 900th foundation anniversary of  Pinsk 13.09.1997 3000 0,1 0,5
241 235 Stamp 75th anniversary of Belarus National library  15.09.1997 3000 0,1 0,5
242 236 Definitive stamp National emblem of RB 22.09.1997 800 0,3 0,8
243 237 Definitive stamp National emblem of RB 22.09.1997 2500
244 238 Definitive stamp National emblem of RB 22.09.1997 3000
245 239 Stamp Centennial of the school for the blind in Belarus 28.09.1997 3000 0,1 0,5
246 240 Stamp International Child’s Day 01.10.1997 3000 0,1 0,5
247 241 Stamp AIDS combat 14.10.1997 4000 0,1 0,6
248 242 Stamp Tractor Belarus-1221 16.10.1997 3300 0,5 2,5
249 243 Stamp The First Wheeled Tractor Belarus, 1953 16.10.1997 4400
250 245 Stamp Tractor Belarus-952 16.10.1997 7500
251 244 Stamp Tractor Belarus-680 16.10.1997 7500
    Sheetlet Belarus tractors 16.10.1997 45400 1,5 5
252 246 Overprint “Reconstructed and blessed in September 1997” and new value “3000” on stamp No. 1 08.12.1997 3000 0,2 0,5
253 248 Stamp Merry Christmas 23.12.1997 4400 0,2 0,6
254 247 Stamp Happy New Year 23.12.1997 1400 0,1 0,2
1998 year
255-258 249-252 Block of 4 stamps Winter Olympic Games in Nagano 03.02.1998 17200 1 1,5
259 253 Stamp 80-th birth anniversary of P.M.Masherov 12.02.1998 2500 0,2 0,5
260 254 Stamp Dump truck MAZ-205 23.04.1998 1400 2,5 2
261 255 Stamp Dump truck MAZ-503B 23.04.1998 2000
262 256 Stamp Dump truck MAZ-5549 23.04.1998 3000
263 257 Stamp Dump truck MAZ-5551 23.04.1998 4400
264 258 Stamp Dump truck MAZ-5516 23.04.1998 7500
264À --- Sheetlet Dump trucks of MAZ 23.04.1998 18300 3 3
265 259 Sheetlet EUROPA-98 - 775-th foundation anniversary of  Njesvizh  (10 stamps) 05.05.1998 150000 6 10
266 260 Stamp 200-th birth anniversary of A. Mitskevich 20.05.1998 8600 0,7 1
267 261 Stamp with overprint 225-th anniversary of St.Petersburg-Mohilyov post route 22.05.1998 8600 0,2 0,5
268 262 Stamp Songbirds - Luscinia svecica 29.05.1998 1500 1,5 1,5
269 263 Stamp Songbirds - Remiz pendulinus 29.05.1998 3200
270 264 Stamp Songbirds – Acrocephalus paludicola 29.05.1998 3800
271 265 Stamp Songbirds - Locustella Luscinioides 29.05.1998 5300
272 266 Stamp Songbirds - Parus cyanus 29.05.1998 8600
272À --- Sheetlet Songbirds listed in the Red Book of Belarus 29.05.1998 44800 3 4
273 267 Definitive stamp Dulcimer 23.06.1998 3200 0,1 0,3
274 268 Definitive stamp Lyre 23.06.1998 5300 0,1 0,3
275 269 Definitive stamp Water-mill 01.07.1998 100 0,05 0,2
276 270 Definitive stamp Windmill 01.07.1998 200 0,1 0,2
277 271 Definitive stamp Christmas Star 05.08.1998 2000 0,05 0,2
278 272 Definitive stamp Kupala holiday 05.08.1998 10000 0,1 0,3
279 273 Stamp Dump truck BelAZ-7821 12.08.1998 1500 0,6 1,2
280 274 Stamp Dump truck BelAZ-75131 12.08.1998 3200
281 275 Stamp Dump truck BelAZ-75303 12.08.1998 3800
282 276 Stamp Dump truck BelAZ-75483 12.08.1998 5300
283 277 Stamp Dump truck BelAZ-7555 12.08.1998 8600
283À --- Sheetlet 50-th foundation anniversary of BelAZ 12.08.1998 22400 2 2,5
284 278 Definitive stamp Stork 20.08.1998 500 0,1 0,2
285 279 Definitive stamp Bison 20.08.1998 1000 0,1 0,3
286 280 Stamp Mushrooms - Morchella esculenta 10.09.1998 2500 1 1,5
287 281 Stamp Mushrooms - Morchella conica 10.09.1998 3800
288 282 Stamp Mushrooms – Macrolepiota rhacodes 10.09.1998 4600
289 283 Stamp Mushrooms – Macrolepiota procera 10.09.1998 5800
290 284 Stamp Mushrooms - Coprinus comatus 10.09.1998 9400
291 285 Stamp Wooden sculpture – Grip 06.10.1998 3400 0,4 1
292 286 Stamp Wooden sculpture – Archangel Mikhail 06.10.1998 3800
293 287 Stamp Wooden sculpture – Prophet Zakharias 06.10.1998 5800
294 288 Stamp Wooden sculpt. - Virgin Marija with baby 06.10.1998 9400
295 289 Stamp World postal stamp day 09.10.1998 5500 0,1 0,5
296 290 Stamp Belarus painting – Kalozha 20.10.1998 3000 1,5 1,5
297 291 Stamp Belarus painting – Corner Livingroom 20.10.1998 5000
298 292 Stamp Belarus painting – Winter Dream 20.10.1998 5000
299 293 Stamp Belarus painting – Portrait of a Girl 20.10.1998 5500
300 294 Stamp Belarus painting – Portrait of a Stranger 20.10.1998 10000
301 295 Stamp 50-th anniv. of Human Rights Declaration 25.11.1998 7100 0,1 0,5
302-303 297-296 Stamp-strip Merry Christmas - Happy New Year 30.11.1998 2õ5500 0,2 0,5
304 298 Definitive stamp Church in Sinkovichy 16.12.1998 5000 0,1 0,2
305 299 Definitive stamp Dulcimer 22.12.1998 1500 0,05 0,2
306 300 Definitive stamp Lyre 22.12.1998 3000 0,05 0,2
1999 year
307 301 Stamp Bicentenary of Russian Poet A.S.Pushkin 20.01.1999 15300 0,1 0,5
308 302 Definitive stamp Church in Ishkold town 05.02.1999 800 0,05 0,3
309 303 Stamp Wheeled Prime Moovers - Chassis 8007 23.02.1999 10000 3 2
310 304 Stamp Wheeled Prime Moovers - Chassis 543M “Smerch” 23.02.1999 15000
311 305 Stamp Wheeled Prime Moovers - Chassis 543M “Rubezh” 23.02.1999 30000
312 306 Stamp Wheeled Prime Moovers - Chassis 7907 23.02.1999 30000
313 307   23.02.1999 50000    
314 308   23.02.1999 150000    
309-314 --- Sheetlet Minsk Plant of Wheeled Prime Moovers 23.02.1999 285000 3 4,5
309 303 Sheetlet Wheeled Prime Moovers - Chassis 8007 (8 Stamps) 23.02.1999   6 4,5
315 309 Stamp Artistic Glass - Wine Glass 04.03.1999 30000 0,3 1
316 310 Stamp Artistic Glass - Vase, Sugar Basin, Tray 04.03.1999 30000
317 311 Stamp Artistic Glass - Table Lamp 04.03.1999 100000
318 312 Definitive stamp Water-mill 14.04.1999 30000 0,1 0,3
319 313 Definitive stamp Windmill 14.04.1999 50000 0,15 0,4
320 314 Definitive stamp Belarus Exhibition Centre 23.04.1999 100000 0,2 0,8
321 315 Block of 4 stamps with overprint “IBRA-99” on block 58-60 26.04.1999 150000 0,4 1,5
322 317 Stamp EUROPA-99 - Reserve “Belovezhskaja Puscha” 27.04.1999 150000 1,6 3
323 316 Stamp EUROPA-99 - Biosphere Reserve “Berezinsky” 27.04.1999 150000
322-323 317-316 2 Sheetlets Reserve “Belovezhskaja Puscha” &  Biosphere Reserve “Berezinsky” 27.04.1999   13 28
324 318 Stamp Wooden Architectonics - Well 10.06.1999 50000 0,4 2
325 319 Stamp Wooden Architectonics - Tavern 10.06.1999 50000
326 320 Stamp Wooden Architectonics - Windmill 10.06.1999 100000
324 318 Sheetlet Well 10.06.1999   6 8
327 321 Definitive stamp Folk dance Lyavonikha 25.06.1999 500000 0,9 4
328 322 Stamp Vitebsk Art School – The Portrait of Pan 02.07.1999 30000 1,5 2,5
329 323 Stamp Vitebsk Art School – St. Antonius Cathedral 02.07.1999 60000
330 324 Stamp Vitebsk Art School – Street in Vitebsk 02.07.1999 100000
331 325 Stamp Vitebsk Art School – Krivaya Street 02.07.1999 100000
328-331 322-325 4 sheetlets Vitebsk Art School 02.07.1999   9 15
332 326(16) Souvenir sheet Mark Shagal “Time has only one wing” 02.07.1999 200000 0,5 1,5
333 327 Stamp  The national hero of Belarus V.N. Korvat 12.08.1999 25000 0,1 0,5
334 328 Stamp The first Postal Station in Minsk      20.08.1999 150000 0,7 2,5
335 329 Minsk. Post office. 1954 20.08.1999 150000
334-335 328-329 Sheetlet 125th anniversary of UPU 20.08.1999   4,2 13
336 330 Stamp Mushrooms – Flammulina Velutipes 21.08.1999 30000 0,7 2
337 331 Stamp Mushrooms – Kuehneromyces Mutabilis 21.08.1999 50000
338 332 Stamp Mushrooms – Lyophyllum Connatum 21.08.1999 75000
339 333 Stamp Mushrooms – Lyophyllum Decastes 21.08.1999 10000
340 334(17) Souvenir sheet Mushrooms – Armillariella Mellea 21.08.1999 15000 0,5 1,5
341 335 Stamp 60-th Anniversary of the Reunion of Belarus 17.10.1999 29000 0,1 0,4
342 336 Stamp Dump Truck MAZ-6430 15.11.1999 29000 0,25 1
343 337 Stamp Dump Truck MAZ-4370 15.11.1999 86000
344 338 Stamp Children Drawings – Picture by O. Smantser 25.11.1999 32000 0,2 0,8
345 339 Stamp Children Drawings – Picture by M. Dudarenko 25.11.1999 59000
346-347 340-341 Stamp-strip Happy New Year (2 stamps + 1 coupon) 30.11.1999 60000 0,2 0,5
2000 year
348 342 Stamp Church in Polatsk 01.01.2000 50 0,5 1,5
349 343 Stamp Church in Slutsk 01.01.2000 75
350 344 Stamp Church in Beloozersk 01.01.2000 100
351-353 345-347(18) Souvenir sheet Christianity 05.01.2000 300 0,8 2,5
354 348 Ix Definitive stamp Aurochs 06.01.2000 1 0,05 0,2
355 349 Ix Definitive stamp Synkovichi 06.01.2000 5 0,05 0,2
356 350 Ix Definitive stamp Kupala 06.01.2000 10 0,05 0,2
357 351 Set of defin.stamps Kryzhachok 14.01.2000 20 0,1 0,3
357 351 Set of defin. stamps Kryzhachok (self-adhes.) 14.01.2000 20 2 4
358 352 Ix Definitive stamp "Christmas star" 29.01.2000 2 0,05 0,1
359 353 Ix Definitive stamp Watermill 29.01.2000 30 0,05 0,2
360 354 Stamp Aircraft SU-24 23.02.2000 50 0,4 1
361 356 Stamp Aircraft SU-25 23.02.2000 50
362 355 Stamp Aircraft SU-27 23.02.2000 50
363-365 357-359(19) Souvenir sheet Aircrafts 23.02.2000 3õ150 0,8 2
366 360 I Definitive stamp Lyra 10.03.2000 3 0,05 0,3
367 362 I Definitive stamp Kryzhachok 10.03.2000 20 0,05 0,3
368 361 I Definitive stamp Kupala  "A" 10.03.2000 À(260) 0,25 0,3
369 363 Stamp Rare Birds 22.03.2000 50 0,8 2
370 364 Stamp Rare Birds 22.03.2000 50
371 365 Stamp Rare Birds 22.03.2000 75
372 366 Stamp Rare Birds 22.03.2000 100
373 367 I Definitive stamp Windmill 06.04.2000 50 0,1 0,4
374 368 Stamp 55thannivers.of Victory in 2nd W. War 27.04.2000 100 0,25 0,6
375 369 Stamp Europa 2000 09.05.2000 250 1,5 2
375 369 Sheetlet Europa 2000 09.05.2000   12 16
376 370 Stamp Belarusian Ballet 25.05.2000 100 0,25 0,7
377 371(20) Souvenir sheet Ballet 25.05.2000 150 0,4 1,3
378 372 Stamp 50th anniversary of UN HCR 23.08.2000 50 0,15 0,3
379 373 Stamp European Lynx (view 1), WWF 25.08.2000 100 1,2 3
380 374 Stamp European Lynx (view 2), WWF 25.08.2000 100
381 375 Stamp European Lynx (view 3), WWF 25.08.2000 150
382 376 Stamp European Lynx (view 4), WWF 25.08.2000 150
379-382 373-376 Sheetlet European Lynx 25.08.2000 1000 2,5 7
383 377 Stamp International year of world's culture 05.09.2000 100 0,25 0,6
384 378 Stamp-strip Olympic games in Sydney 10.09.2000 100 0,7 2
385 379 Stamp-strip Olympic games in Sydney 10.09.2000 100
386 380 Stamp-strip Olympic games in Sydney 10.09.2000 100
384-386 378-380 Sheetlet strip Olympic games in Sydney 10.09.2000   1 2,5
387 381(21) Souvenir sheet Olympic games 10.09.2000 400 0,25 0,6
388 382 I Definitive stamp Belexpo             18.10.2000 100 0,25 0,6
389 383 Definitive stamp Kryzhachok (self-adh.) 08.11.2000 20 0,05 0,2
390 384 Definitive stamp Watermill (self-adh.) 08.11.2000 30 0,05 0,2
391 387 Definitive stamp Windmill  (self-adh.) 08.11.2000 50 0,1 0,5
392 385 Definitive stamp Doginki "B"(self-adh.) 08.11.2000 Â(210) 0,15 0,2
393 386 Definitive stamp Kypala "A" (self-adh.) 08.11.2000 À(260) 0,2 0,4
394 388 Stamp Minerals – Amber 22.11.2000 200 1,4 4
395 389 Stamp Minerals – Galit 22.11.2000 200
396 390 Stamp Minerals – Flint 22.11.2000 200
397 391 Stamp Minerals - Silvin 22.11.2000 200
398 392 Stamp Happy New Year 28.11.2000 200 0,4 1,5
399 393 Stamp Merry Christmas 05.12.2000 100 0,2 1
400 395 Stamp Children paintings 26.12.2000 100 0,4 1
401 394 Stamp Children paintings 26.12.2000 100
400-401 395-394 2 Sheetlets Children paintings 26.12.2000   3,5 8
2001 ãîä
402 Sh. 22 Souvenir sheet Efrosinia of Polotsk 24.01.2001 500 0,75 2
403 397 Stamp Municipal arms of Brest 10.01.2001 200 0,6 1,2
404 396 Stamp Municipal arms of Gomel 10.01.2001 200
405 398(23) Souvenir sheet Prize winners at the Olympic games 2000 in Sydney 22.02.2001 1000 1,5 3,5
406 399 Stamp Aircraft RD "ANT-25" 23.02.2001 250 0,8 2
407 400 Stamp Aircraft Rodina "ANT-37" 23.02.2001 250
408 402 Definitive stamp Vitebsk City Hall 19.03.2001 200 0,15 0,5
409 401 Definitive stamp "Lyavonikha" 19.03.2001 500 0,3 0,5
410 403 Stamp Bugs - Rhino 22.03.2001 300 1 2
411 404 Stamp Bugs - Deer 22.03.2001 300
412 404 Definitive stamp Exhibition Centre "Belexpo" in Minsk (self-adhesive) 29.03.2001 100 0,2 0,4
412 404 Definitive stamp Exhibition Centre "Belexpo" in Minsk (self-adhesive) 24øò. (8Õ3) 29.03.2001 100 (2400) 4,8  
413 406 Definitive stamp Vitebsk City Hall (self-adhes) 29.03.2001 200 0,3 0,6
413 406 Definitive stamp Vitebsk City Hall (self-adhes)  24st. (8õ3) 29.03.2001 200 (4800) 7,2  
414 407 Stamp Rare Flowers – Water-lily 25.04.2001 200 0,9 2
415 408 Stamp Rare Flowers – Lady's sleeper 25.04.2001 400
  407-408 Booklet Rare Flowers 25.04.2001 3600 15 30
416 409 Stamp Europa 2001 National park "Pripyatsky" 04.05.2001 400 5 7
417 410 St. Europa 2001 National park "Narochansky" 04.05.2001 1000
416-417 409-410 Sheetlet National park "Pripyatsky"&  National park "Narochansky"     50 60
418 411 Stamp 15 years since Chernobyl tragedy 09.06.2001 50 0,1 0,3
419 412 Stamp National clothes – Slutsk region 15.06.2001 200 1,8 3,5
420 413 Stamp National clothes – Pinsk region 15.06.2001 1000
419-420 412-413 Stamp with hologram 10-th Anniversary of State Sovereignty of Belarus 15.06.2001 3600 10 20
421 414 Stamp 10th Anniversary of CIS 03.07.2001 500 0,75 1,5
422 415 Stamp 10th Anniversary of CIS 12.07.2001 195 0,3 0,5
423 416 Definit. stamp with overprint “400” on st. 146 10.08.2001 400 0,25 1
424 417 Stamp Belarus folk tales – A blue suit is made 24.08.2001 100 0,2 1
425 418 Stamp Belarus folk tales – Okh & the golden 24.08.2001 200 0,3
425 418 Sheetlet Okh & the golden (8 Stamps) 24.08.2001 8X200 3 7
426 419 Stamp Dialogue among civilizations 05.09.2001 400 0,5 1
427 420(24) Souvenir sheet Otto Schmidt 30.09.2001 3000 3,5 7
428 421 Overprint “400” on definitive stamp ¹220 08.10.2001 400 2,5 10
429 422 Overprint “400” on definitive stamp ¹149 08.10.2001 400
430 423 Overprint “400” on definitive stamp ¹144 08.10.2001 400
431 424 Overprint “400” on definitive stamp ¹95 08.10.2001 1000
432 425 Overprint “400” on definitive stamp ¹142 08.10.2001 400
433 426 Overprint “400” on definitive stamp ¹98 08.10.2001 1000
434 427 Overprint “400” on definitive stamp ¹275 08.10.2001 1000
428 421 Overprint “400” on definitive stamp ¹220 «Abklatsch» 08.10.2001 400 1  
434 427 Overprint “400” on definitive stamp ¹275«Abklatsch» 08.10.2001 1000 1,5  
435 428 Stamp Windsurfing 25.10.2001 200 1,8 2,5
436 429(25) Souvenir sheet Water-skiing 25.10.2001 1000
435-436 428-429 Booklet Aquatic sports 25.10.2001 2400 6 10
437 430 Definitive stamp F. Skorina’s coat of arms 16.11.2001 1000 11 22
438 431 Definitive stamp Minsk City Hall 16.11.2001 2000
439 432 Definitive stamp Nesvizh City Hall 16.11.2001 3000
440 433 Definitive stamp Chechersk City Hall 16.11.2001 5000
441 434 Stamp Charity house 30.11.2001 200 0,15 0,5
442 436 Stamp Happy New Year! 03.12.2001 100 0,15 0,3
443 435 Stamp Merry Christmas! 03.12.2001 100 0,15 0,3
444 437 Stamp 125th birth anniversary of E. Klumov 16.12.2001 100 0,15 0,3
2002 ãîä
445 438 Stamp Municipal Arms of Borisov 25.01.2002 200 0,3 0,5
446 348 Iy Definitive stamp Aurochs 28.01.2002 1 0,05 0,2
447 352 Iy Definitive stamp Christmas Star 28.01.2002 2 0,05 0,1
448 439 Stamp XIX Olympic Winter Games – Slalom 01.02.2002 300 2 3,5
449 440 Stamp XIX Olympic Winter Games – Pare Figure-skating 01.02.2002 300
450 441 Stamp XIX Olympic Winter Games – Biathlon 01.02.2002 500
451 442 Stamp XIX Olympic Winter Games – Ski-jumping 01.02.2002 500
452 349 Iy Definitive stamp Church-fortress in Synkovichy 01.02.2002 5 0,05 0,2
453 360 II Definitive stamp Lyra 12.02.2002 3 0,05 0,2
454 350 Iy Definitive stamp "Kupala" Folk Holiday 12.02.2002 10 0,05 0,1
455 362 II Definitive stamp Belarusian Folk Dance "Kryzhachok" 12.02.2002 20 0,05 0,2
456 443 Stamp Red forest ant 20.03.2002 200 0,3 0,5
457 444(26) Souvenir sheet Ants 20.03.2002 1000 1 2
456-457 443-444 Booklet Ants (4 stamps + 2 coupons) 20.03.2002 2400 7 8,5
458 445 Definitive stamp "Doginky" Harvest Holiday (B) 22.03.2002 Â (210) 0,15 0,3
459 446(27) Souvenir sheet Belarus Sportsmen at XIX Olympic Winter Games in Salt Lake City 10.04.2002 2000 1,8 3,5
460 361 II Definitive stamp "Kupala" Folk Holiday (A) 24.04.2002 À (260) 0,2 0,2
461 447 Stamp Europa  2002 – Belarus Circus. Clown 30.04.2002 400 1,5 2
462 448 Stamp Europa  2002 – Belarus Circus. Circus horse 30.04.2002 500
461-462   2 sheetlets Belarus Circus 30.04.2002   12 16
463-464 451-452(28) Souvenir sheet 120-th birth anniversary of Yanka Kupala & Yakub Kolas 27.06.2002 1000 1 2
465 449 Stamp 120-th birth anniversary of  Yanka Kupala 06.07.2002 100 0,15 0,3
466 353 Iy Definitive stamp Water-mill 10.07.2002 30 0,05 0,2
467 453 Definitive stamp St Sophia's Cathedral in Polotsk 16.07.2002 Í (920) 1 1
468 454 Definitive stamp Railway station in Brest 16.07.2002 Ñ (1420)
469 455 Def. stamp Flax (self-adh.) 24.07.2002 Â (210) 0,2 0,2
469 455 Def. stamp Flax (self-adh.)  (sh.is folded into a bookl 24st.) 24.07.2002 Â (210) 4,8  
470 456 Def. stamp Bluebell  (self-adh.) 24.07.2002 Í (920) 0,4 0,5
470 456 Def. stamp Bluebell  (self-adh.)  (sh. is folded into a booklet 24st.) 24.07.2002 Í (920) 9,6  
471 457 Stamp Children sports – Carting 25.07.2002 90 0,4 0,6
472 458 Stamp Children sports – Aircraft modelling 25.07.2002 230
473-475 459-461(29) Souvenir sheet "A bird of the year" 30.07.2002 600 0,7 1,5
476 462 Def. stamp Cornflower (self-adh.) 06.08.2002 À (260) 0,35 0,3
476 462 Def. stamp Cornflower (self-adh.)  (sh.is folded into a booklet 24st.) 06.08.2002 À (260) 8,5  
477 463 Def. stamp Rhododendron (self-adh.) 06.08.2002 Ñ (1420) 0,6 0,7
477 463 Def. stamp Rhododendron (self-adh.) (sh.is folded into a booklet 24st.) 06.08.2002 Ñ (1420) 14,4  
478 367 II Definitive stamp Windmill 08.08.2002 50 0,05  
479 382 II St. The bridge over the river Svisloch in Minsk 08.08.2002 100 0,1  
480 464 St. The bridge over the river Svisloch in Minsk 20.08.2002 200 1,3 2,5
481 465 Stamp The bridge over the river Sozh in Gomel 20.08.2002 300
482 466 St. The bridge over the r. Zap. Dvina in Vitebsk 20.08.2002 500
483 467 Definitive stamp Clover (self-adhesive) 28.08.2002 30 0,2 0,4
484 468 Definitive stamp Camomile (self-adhesive) 28.08.2002 50 0,2 0,4
485 469 Definitive stamp Pulsatilla patens (self-adhesive) 28.08.2002 100 0,2 0,4
486 470 Stamp International year of Ecotourism - National park "Braslav lakes" 10.09.2002 300 0,4 1
486 470 Booklet National park "Braslav lakes" 10.09.2002 1200 7 10
487 471 Definitive stamp Yellow Water-lily  (self-adhesive) 12.09.2002 200 0,25 0,3
488 472 Definitive stamp Willow-herb  (self-adhesive) 12.09.2002 500 0,5 0,7
489 450 Stamp 120-th birth anniversary of  Yakub Kolas 21.09.2002 100 0,15 0,3
490 473(30) Souvenir sheet 45th Anniversary of Space Exploration 28.11.2002 3000 3 4,5
491 474 Stamp National Art Museum – Near the Church 28.11.2002 300 0,8 1
492 475 Stamp National Art Museum – Battle of Nyemiga 28.11.2002 300
491-492 474-475 2 sheetlets National Art Museum 28.11.2002   6 7
491 474 Stamp National Art Museum – Near the Church +1 coupon 28.11.2002 300 0,6  
492 475 Stamp National Art Museum – Battle of Nyemiga+1 coupon 28.11.2002 300 0,6  
493 476 Stamp Happy New Year 05.12.2002 300 0,8 1
494 477 Stamp Merry Christmas 05.12.2002 300
2003 ãîä
495 478 Stamp Municipal Arms of Minsk 24.01.2003 300 0,4 1
496 479 Stamp Municipal Arms of David-Gorodok 24.01.2003 300
497 480(31) Souv. sheet 125th birth annivers. of K. Malevich 21.02.2003 3000 1,8 4
498 481 Stamp Reptiles of Belarus - Pond turtle 12.03.2003 300 0,5 1,2
499 482 Stamp Reptiles of Belarus - Pond turtle 12.03.2003 600
498-499 481-482 Sheetlet Reptiles of Belarus (4 stamps each) 12.03.2003 3600 2 5
500 483 Stamp International year of fresh water 25.03.2003 370 0,2 0,5
501 484 Stamp "A bird of the year" – House sparrow 31.03.2003 630 0,5 0,9
501 484 Stamp "A bird of the year" – House sparrow+1 coupon 31.03.2003 630 0,8  
501À 485 Stamp "A bird of the year" – House sparrow 31.03.2003 630 0,8 0,9
501À 485 Stamp "A bird of the year" – House sparrow+1 coupon 31.03.2003 630 1,2  
501   Sheetlet House sparrow 31.03.2003 4410 4,2 8
502 486 Stamp Modern children's sports – Roller skates 22.04.2003 300 0,4 0,8
503 487 Stamp Modern children's sports – Scooter 22.04.2003 300
504 488 Stamp Europa 2003 – Poster Art 24.04.2003 400 1,2 1,6
505 489 Stamp Europa 2003 – Poster Art 24.04.2003 700
504 488 Booklet Europa 2003 – Poster Art 24.04.2003 8õ400=3200 25 25
505 489 Booklet Europa 2003 – Poster Art 24.04.2003 8õ700=5600
506 402 II Definitive stamp Lyavonikha 02.06.2003 500 0,4 1,5
408À 401 I Defin. Stamp Vitebsk City Hall June 2003 200 0,3 0,5
507 490 Stamp Rare flowers - Globeflower 30.06.2003 270 0,6 1,5
508 491 Stamp Rare flowers - Siberian Irises 30.06.2003 740
507-508 490-491 Sheetlet Rare flowers of Belarus (2 stamps) 30.06.2003 4 040 2,5 6
509 492 Stamp Costumes of West Polesye region 10.07.2003 380 0,45 1
510 493 Stamp Costumes of Mogilyov region 10.07.2003 430
509-510 492-493 Sheetlet Belarusian national clothes 10.07.2003 3 240 2,5 4,5
511-512 494-495(32) Souvenir sheet Yachting sport 22.07.2003 2 000 1,2 2,5
513 496(33) S/s National Museum of History & Culture – Stone Axe 20.08.2003 1000 2,3 4,8
514 497(34) S/s National Museum of History & Culture – Ceramics 20.08.2003 1500
515 498(35) S/s National Museum of History & Culture – "Shestopior" 20.08.2003 1500
516   Definitive stamp Vitebsk City Hall 15.09.2003 200 0,2 0,5
517 499 Stamp Wooden architectonics – Horse riding 18.09.2003 270 0,75 1,5
518 500 Stamp Wooden architect. – Church of St Georges 18.09.2003 430
519 501 Stamp Wooden architectonics – Water-mill 18.09.2003 740
517-519 499-501(36) Souv. sheet Wooden architectonics of Belarus 18.09.2003 1440 1 2
520 502 Stamp Dogs – Golden Retriver 14.10.2003 270 0,7 1,5
521 503 Stamp Dogs – German Mastiff 14.10.2003 380
522 504 Stamp Dogs – German Sheepdog 14.10.2003 430
520-522 502-504 Sheetlet Dogs 14.10.2003 2160 1,5 3
523 505 Stamp Centenary of FIFA, 380 14.11.2003 380 1,2 2,5
524 506 Stamp Centenary of FIFA, 380 14.11.2003 380
525 507 Stamp Centenary of FIFA, 460 14.11.2003 460
526 508 Stamp Centenary of FIFA, 780 14.11.2003 780
527 509 Stamp Merry Christmas 15.11.2003 380 0,2 0,4
528 510 Stamp New Year 15.11.2003 780 0,4 0,9
527-528 509-510 Sheetlet Merry Christmas+ Sheetlet New Year Òèï I  (turned over protection ) 15.11.2003 2280 5 8
527-528 509-510 Sheetlet Merry Christmas+ Sheetlet New Year Òèï II (direct protection) 15.11.2003 4680 9 8
527-528 509-510 Booklet New Year & Merry Christmas 15.11.2003 4640 2,5 6,5
2004 ãîä
529 511 Stamp Municipal Arms of Slonim 20.01.2004 460 0,65 1,3
530 512 Stamp Municipal arms of Zaslavl 20.01.2004 780
531 513 Stamp National Art Museum – P. Maslennikov 01.02.2004 290 0,2 0,4
531 513 Sheetlet National Art Museum – P. Maslennikov 01.02.2004 290õ8 1,6 3,5
532 514 Definitive stamp Berries – Sloe. Thorny plum 06.02.2004 5 3 5
533 515 Definit. stamp Berries – Red Bilberries 06.02.2004 10
534 516 Definit. stamp Berries – Bilberries 06.02.2004 20
535 517 Definit. stamp Berries – Cranberries 06.02.2004 30
536 518 Definit. stamp Berries – Red currants 06.02.2004 A(260)
537 519 Definit. stamp Berries – Sea-buckthorn berries 06.02.2004 Ð(1380)
538 520 Definit. stamp Berries – Blueberries 13.02.2004 5
539 521 Definit. stamp Berries – Raspberries 13.02.2004 100
540 522 Definit. stamp Berries – Blackberries 13.02.2004 200
541 523 Definit. stamp Berries – Stone brambles 13.02.2004 300
542 524 Definit. stamp Berries – Strawberries 13.02.2004 500
543 525 Definit. stamp Berries – Cherries 13.02.2004 1000
544 526 Definit. stamp Berries – Garden strawberries 13.02.2004 B(260)
545 527V Definit. stamp Berries – Gooseberries 13.02.2004 C(1380)
546 528 Definit. stamp Berries – Black currants 13.02.2004 H(890)
532-546 514-528 Sheetlet Forest & garden berries 13.02.2004 6330 3 5,5
532-546 514-528 Stamps Forest & garden berries in sheets of 18 stamps. Set of sheets 13.02.2004   60  
547 529 Stamp St. Valentine’s Day 14.02.2004 H(890) 0,5 0,5
547 529 Sheetlet St. Valentine’s Day 14.02.2004 3360 7 4
548 530 Definitive stamp Trees & Bushes – Alder 23.03.2004 100 3,5 4,5
549 531 Definit. Stamp Trees & Bushes – Guelder Rose 23.03.2004 200
550 532 Definitive stamp Trees & Bushes – Lime Tree 23.03.2004 300
551 533 Definitive stamp Trees & Bushes – Hazel 23.03.2004 400
552 534 Definitive stamp Trees & Bushes – Oak 23.03.2004 500
553 535 Definitive stamp Trees & Bushes – Elm 23.03.2004 1000
554 536 Definitive stamp Trees & Bushes – Pine 23.03.2004 À(260)
555 537 Definitive stamp Trees & Bushes – Birch 23.03.2004 Â(210)
556 538 Definitive stamp Trees & Bushes – Mountain Ash 23.03.2004 Ñ(1380)
557 539 Definitive stamp Trees & Bushes – Ash 23.03.2004 Í(890)
558 540 Definitive stamp Trees & Bushes – Hornbeam 23.03.2004 Ð(1380)
548-558 530-540 Sheetlet Trees & Bushes 23.03.2004 6620 3,5 5
559 541 Stamp “A bird of the year” – Martin 31.03.2004 870 0,5 1
559 541 Stamp “A bird of the year” – Martin+1 coupon 31.03.2004 870 0,8  
559 541 Sheetlet Martin 31.03.2004 6090 3,8 0,8
560 542 Stamp IIHF World U18 Championship 16.04.2004 320 0,25 0,5
560 542 2 stamp IIHF World U18 Championship+2 coupons 16.04.2004 640 0,6  
561 543 Stamp Europa 2004 – Mushrooming 04.05.2004 320 0,8 1,5
562 544 Stamp Europa 2004 –  Fishing 04.05.2004 870
561 543 Booklet Europa 2004 – Mushrooming 04.05.2004 2240 7 13
562 544 Booklet Europa 2004 – Fishing 04.05.2004 6090
563-564 545-546(37) Souv. sheet The 60th Liberation Anniv. of RB. S/s No.39 04.05.2004 1500 0,8 1,5
565 547 Stamp Railway station in Mosty 31.05.2004 320 0,8 1,5
566 548 Stamp Railway station in Vitebsk 31.05.2004 870
565-566 547-548 Souv. sheetlet Locomotives & Railway Stations 31.05.2004 7 140 12  
567 549 Stamp Wasp 03.06.2004 320 1,6 3
568 550 Stamp White-tailed Bumblebee 03.06.2004 505
569 551(38) Souvenir sheet Honey bee. S/s No.40 03.06.2004 2000
570-571 552-553 Souv .sheet 150th birth anniversary of Yu.Pan 05.06.2004 2000 1,2 2
572 554 Stamp Olympic Games in Athens - Cycling 13.07.2004 320 1 2
573 555 Stamp Olympic Games in Athens – Hammer throwing 13.07.2004 505
574 556 Stamp Olympic Games in Athens – Tennis 13.07.2004 870
575 557 Stamp Butterflies – Euphydryas maturna 10.09.2004 300 1,8 3
576 558 Stamp Butterflies – Pericallia matronula 10.09.2004 500
577 559 Stamp Butterflies – Zerynthia polyxena 10.09.2004 800
578 560 Stamp Butterflies – Eudia pavonia 10.09.2004 1200
575-578 557-560 Souv. sheetlet Butterflies (3 stamp series) 10.09.2004   8 20
579-580 562-563(41) Souvenir sheet Belarus sportsmen at the Games of XXVIII Olympiad in Athens 07.10.2004 1000 0,6 1,2
581-584 564-567(42) Souvenir sheet Horses 27.10.2004 2000 1,2 2
585-589 568-572(43) Souvenir sheet Cats 29.10.2004 2900 1,6 3
590 573 Stamp Happy New Year 08.12.2004 320 0,2 0,5
590 573 Stamp Minsk Underground  - Station "Victory Square" 08.12.2004 320õ8 1,6 3
591 574 St. Minsk Underground  - Station "Yakub Kolas Square" 22.12.2004 560 0,6 1,2
592 575 St. Minsk Underground  - Station "Victory Square" 22.12.2004 560
2005 ãîä
593 576 Stamp Municipal Arms of  Dubrovno 25.01.2005 160 0,75 1,5
594 577 Stamp Municipal arms of  Kamenets 25.01.2005 350
595 578 Stamp Municipal arms of  Mogilyov 25.01.2005 900
596 579 Stamp The 100th birth anniversary of G. Bogomolov 18.02.2005 350 0,2 0,5
597-599 580-582(44) Souvenir sheet No.45 Belarus icon painting 22.03.2005 4500 2,3 4,5
600 582 Stamp "A bird of the year" – Tawny owl 31.03.2005 900 0,5 1
600 582 Sheetlet Tawny owl 31.03.2005 6300 3,5 7,5
600 582 Stamp "A bird of the year" – Tawny owl+1 coupon 31.03.2005   0,7  
601 583 Stamp 60th Anniversary of Victory - Partisan movement 12.04.2005 À(260) 1,6 2
602 584 Stamp 60th Anniversary of Victory – Khatyn Memorial 12.04.2005 Í(920)
603 585 Stamp 60th Anniver. of Victory – Liberation of Belarus 12.04.2005 Í(920)
604 586 Stamp 60th Anniversary of Victory – Victory Banner 12.04.2005 Ð(1320)
601-604 583-586 4 Sheetlet 60th Anniver. of Victory (8 stamps+1 coupon) 12.04.2005   14 17
601-604 583-586 60th Anniver. of Victory (4 stamps +4 coupons) 12.04.2005   2,3  
605-606 587-588(45) Souvenir sheet  60th Anniversary of Victory Europe 12.04.2005 2000 1,1 2
607-610 589-592(46) Souvenir sheet  Nature 15.04.2005 3000 1,6 3
611 593 Stamp Europa 2005 – Spice makes the food nice 04.05.2005 500 0,8 1,5
612 594 Stamp Europa 2005 – Bread is the Head 04.05.2005 1000
611-612 593-594 Booklet Europa 2005 – Spice makes the food nice 04.05.2005 10500 6 12,5
Booklet Europa 2005 – Bread is the Head 04.05.2005
613 595 Stamp 100th birth anniversary of S.M.Stanyuta+1 coupon 13.05.2005 160 0,1 0,3
613 595 Stamp 100th birth anniversary of S.M. Stanyuta 13.05.2005 160 0,2  
614 596(47) Souvenir sheet 200th birth anniversary of H.C. Andersen 20.05.2005 2000 1,1 2
615 597 Stamp Black stork flying 02.06.2005 500 1,6 3
616 598 Stamp Black stork on water 02.06.2005 500
617 599 Stamp Black stork in the nest 02.06.2005 1000
618 600 Stamp Black stork - nestlings 02.06.2005 1000
615-618 597-600 Sheetlet Black stork 02.06.2005 6000 3,2 6
619 601 Stamp National Art Museum – M. Sevruk 14.07.2005 170 0,1 0,3
619 601 Sheetlet National Art Museum – M. Sevruk 14.07.2005 8Õ170 0,8 2,5
620 602 Stamp World Summit on the Information Society 20.07.2005 360 0,2 0,5
620 602 Sheetlet World Summit on the Information Society 20.07.2005 8Õ360 1,6 4
621 603 Stamp Costume of Mosty region 18.08.2005 360 0,2 0,4
622 604 Sheetlet Belarusian national clothes 18.08.2005 570 0,3 0,6
621-622 603-604 Sheetlet Belarusian national clothes 18.08.2005 3720 2 4
623 605 Stamp Internation.Year of Sport & Phisical Education 30.08.2005 570 0,3 0,6
624 606 Stamp Millennium anniversary of Volkovysk 02.09.2005 360 0,2 0,4
624 606 Stamp Millennium anniversary of Volkovysk+1 coupon 02.09.2005 360 0,4  
625 607 Stamp Millennium anniversary of Turov Eparchy 17.09.2005 360 0,2 0,4
626-627 608-609 Stamp Chess (dark) + Stamp Chess (light) 23.09.2005 500+500 0,5 1
626-627 608-609 Booklet Chess (perforated)+ Booklet Chess (imperforate) 23.09.2005 7000 6 14
628-629 610-611(48) Souvenir sheet  Architecture of Ancient Belarus 15.11.2005 500+1000 0,8 1,5
630 612 Stamp Happy New Year! Merry Christmas! 05.12.2005 360 1 0,4
630 612 Sheetlet Happy New Year! Merry Christmas! (9 stamps) 05.12.2005 3240 9 4,5
630 612 Sheetlet Happy New Year! Merry Christmas! (8 stamps + 1 coupon) 05.12.2005 2880   8
2006 ãîä
631 613 Stamp Olympic Winter Games in Turin - Snowboard 16.01.2006 500 1 0,5
631 613 Sheetlet Snowboard 16.01.2006 500õ8 8 4
632 614(49) Souv. sheet Olympic Winter Games in Turin - Freestyle 16.01.2006 2000 1,3 2
633 615 Stamp Municipal Arms of  Turov 30.01.2006 500 0,55 1
634 616 Stamp Municipal arms of  Novogrudok 30.01.2006 500
635 617 Stamp "A bird of the year" – Lapwing 18.04.2006 930 0,5 1
635 617 Sheetlet Lapwing (7 stamps+1 coupon) 18.04.2006 6510 3,7 7,5
635 617 Stamp "A bird of the year" – Lapwing+1 coupon 18.04.2006 930 0,7  
636 618 Stamp 20th Anniversary of Chernobyl tragedy 19.04.2006 360 0,2 0,5
637 619 Stamp Europa 2006 – Integration – Penguins 04.05.2006 500 0,8 1,5
638 620 Stamp Europa 2006 – Integration – Pegasus 04.05.2006 1000
637 619 Booklet Europa 2006 – Integration – Penguins 04.05.2006 3500 6 12
638 620 Booklet Europa 2006 – Integration - Pegasus 04.05.2006 7000
639 621 Stamp 85th Birth Anniversary of  Ivan Shamiakin 02.06.2006 360 0,2 0,5
640-651 622-631 Sheetlet Garden birds 16.06.2006 3570 2,5 4,5
640 622 Definitive stamp Garden birds – Wheatear 16.06.2006 10 3 4
641 623 Definitive stamp Garden birds – Blue Tit 16.06.2006 20
642 624 Definitive stamp Garden birds – Pied Flycatcher 16.06.2006 30
643 625 Definitive stamp Garden birds – Linnet 16.06.2006 50
644 626 Definitive stamp Garden birds – Lesser 16.06.2006 100
645 627 Definitive stamp Garden birds - Chaffinch 16.06.2006 200
646 628 Definitive stamp Garden birds – Tree Sparrow 16.06.2006 300
647 629 Definitive stamp Garden birds – Greenfinch 16.06.2006 500
648 630 Definitive stamp Garden birds – Hawfinch 16.06.2006 1000
649 631 Definitive stamp Garden birds – Black Redstart 16.06.2006 À(260)
650 632 Definitive stamp Garden birds – Robin 16.06.2006 Â(210)
651 633 Definitive stamp Garden birds – Great Tit 16.06.2006 Í(890)
641 623 Sheetlet Blue Tit without some part of drawing on 4 stamps (chalk-surfaced paper) 16.06.2006 20õ18 90  
640-651 622-633 Stamps Garden birds in sheets of 18 stamps (set of sheets) 16.06.2006 õ18 54  
640 622 Definitive stamp Garden birds – Wheatear 16.06.2006 10 2 4
641 623 Definitive stamp Garden birds – Blue Tit 16.06.2006 20
642 624 Definitive stamp Garden birds – Pied Flycatcher 16.06.2006 30
643 625 Definitive stamp Garden birds – Linnet 16.06.2006 50
644 626 Definitive stamp Garden birds – Lesser 16.06.2006 100
645 627 Definitive stamp Garden birds – Chaffinch 16.06.2006 200
646 628 Definitive stamp Garden birds – Tree Sparrow 16.06.2006 300
647 629 Definitive stamp Garden birds – Greenfinch 16.06.2006 500
648 630 Definitive stamp Garden birds – Hawfinch 16.06.2006 1000
649 631 Definitive stamp Garden birds – Black Redstart 16.06.2006 À(260)
650 632 Definitive stamp Garden birds – Robin 16.06.2006 Â(210)
651 633 Definitive stamp Garden birds – Great Tit 16.06.2006 Í(890)
640-651 622-633 Stamps Garden birds in sheets of 18 stamps (set of sheets) 16.06.2006 õ18 36  
652 634 Stamp Bats of Belarus – Pond bat 19.06.2006 500 0,8 1,5
653 635 Stamp Bats of Belarus – Parti-colored bat 19.06.2006 500
654 636 Stamp Bats of Belarus - Barbastelle 19.06.2006 500
652-654 634-636 Sheetlet Bats of Belarus 19.06.2006 13500 7,2 14
655-657 637-639(50) Souvenir sheet  Bats of Belarus 19.06.2006 3000 1,55 3
658 640(51) Souv. sheet Results of XX Olympic Games in Turin 22.06.2006 2000 1,3 2
659 641(52) Souvenir sheet Avgustovo channel 11.08.2006 2000 1,3 2
660 642 Stamp Railway station in Molodechno, locom. E class 08.09.2006 1000 0,55 1
661 643 Stamp Railway station in Brest, locomotive Ov class 08.09.2006 1000 0,55 1
660-661 642-643 Sheetlet Railway stations and locomotives 08.09.2006 8000 4,3 8
662 644 Stamp Orchids of Belarus – Western Marsh-orchid 16.09.2006 1000 0,55 1
663 645 Stamp Orchids of Belarus – Red Helleborine 16.09.2006 1000 0,55 1
663A 646 Stamp Orchids of Belarus – Red Helleborine 16.09.2006 1000 0,55 1
662,663 644, 646 Sheetlet Orchids of Belarus 16.09.2006 8000 4,3 8
664 647 Stamp Energy of wind. Wind turbines 10.10.2006 210 0,15 0,3
665 648 St En. of water. Small hydroelectric power stations 10.10.2006 970 0,5 1
664-665 647-648 Sheetlet Renewable energy sources 10.10.2006 3540 2 4
666 649 Stamp 15th anniversary of the RCC 13.10.2006 410 1 0,5
666 649 Sheetlet 15th anniversary of the RCC 13.10.2006 410õ8 8 4
667 650(53) Overprint “BelFILA-2006” on souvenir sheet No.7 10.11.2006 3500 1,8 3,5
668 651 Stamp Aquarium fishes – Red discus 16.11.2006 500 1,2 2
669 652 Stamp Aquarium fishes – Violet discus 16.11.2006 500
670 653 Stamp Aquarium fishes – Green discus 16.11.2006 500
671 654 Stamp Aquarium fishes – Yellow discus 16.11.2006 500
668-671 651-654 Definitive stamp City hall of Shklov 16.11.2006 4000 2,4 4
672 655 Definitive stamp City hall of Shklov 20.12.2006 3000 1,55 3
673 656 Stamp Happy New Year – A New Year tree (blue) 22.12.2006 500 0,26 0,5
674 657 Stamp Happy New Year - A New Year tree (white) 22.12.2006 500 0,26 0,5
673-674 656-657 Sheetlet Happy New Year 22.12.2006 6õ500 1,6 3
2007 ãîä
675 658 Stamp Municipal Arms of Krugloe 22.01.2007 600 0,35 0,6
676 659 Stamp Municipal arms of Pinsk 22.01.2007 600 0,35 0,6
677 660(54) Souv. sheet 200th Birth Anniversary of Napoleon Orda 14.02.2007 4000 3 4
678 661 Definitive stamp City hall of Minsk 14.02.2007 2000 1 2
679 662 Stamp A bird of the year – Thrush nightingale 26.03.2007 1000 0,6 1
679 662 Sheetlet Thrush nightingale(7 stamps+1 coupon) 26.03.2007 7000 4,5 7
679 662 Stamp A bird of the year – Thrush nightingale+1 coupon 26.03.2007 1000 0,9  
680 663 Stamp Europa 2007 – Scout knot 04.05.2007 500 0,5 0,5
680 663 Sheetlet Europa 2007 – Scout knot 04.05.2007 5000õ8 4 4
680 667 Stamp Europa 2007 – Scout knot +1 coupon 04.05.2007 500 0,8  
681 664 Stamp Europa 2007 – Emblem of NSAB 04.05.2007 1000 1 1
681 664 Sheetlet Europa 2007 – Emblem of NSAB 04.05.2007 1000õ8 8 8
680-681 663-664 Booklet Europa 2007 – 100 years of scouting 04.05.2007 5000 4 5,5
682 667 Definitive stamp Red squirrel (self-adhesive) 19.06.2007 À(260) 0,3 0,3
683 668 Definitive stamp Forest dormice (self-adhesive) 19.06.2007 À(260) 0,3 0,3
684 665 Definitive stamp Red fox (self-adhesive) 19.06.2007 Â(210) 0,2 0,2
685 666 Definitive stamp European polecat (self-adhesive) 19.06.2007 Â(210) 0,2 0,2
682-685 665-668 Sheetlet Fauna of Belarus (2 sets, self-adhesive) 19.06.2007 2õÀ2õÂ(1880) 1,3 2
686 669(55) Souvenir sheet The Struve geodetic arc   5000 2,6 5
687-688 670-671 Sheetlet Nature of Cepkeliai nature reserve & Kotra landscape reserve (joint issue Belarus-Lithuania) 03.10.2007 3 ñöåïêè ïî
2 ìàðêè (6000)
3,4 6
689 672 Stamp Northern hawk owl 23.11.2007 500 0,4 0,5
689 672 Sheetlet Northern hawk owl(7 stamps+1 coupon) 23.11.2007 3500 3,5 3,5
689 672 Stamp Northern hawk owl+1 coupon 23.11.2007 500 0,7  
690 673 Stamp Snowy owl 23.11.2007 500 0,4 0,5
690 673 Sheetlet Snowy owl(7 stamps+1 coupon) 23.11.2007 3500 3,5 3,5
690 673 Stamp Snowy owl+1 coupon 23.11.2007 500 0,7  
691 674 Stamp Short-eared owl 23.11.2007 1000 0,8 1
691 674 Sheetlet eared owl(7 stamps+1 coupon) 23.11.2007 7000 6,6 7
691 674 Stamp Short-eared owl+1 coupon 23.11.2007 1000 1,1  
692 675 Stamp Little owl 23.11.2007 1000 0,8 1
692 675 Sheetlet Little owl(7 stamps+1 coupon) 23.11.2007 7000 6,6 7
692 675 Stamp Little owl + 1 coupon 23.11.2007 1000 1,1  
689-692 672-675 Sheetlet Owls of Belarus (2 sets) 23.11.2007 6000 4,8 6
693 676 Stamp Kshishtof Veselovsky 28.11.2007 1050 0,60 1
694 677 Stamp Griesel Sapega 28.11.2007 1050 0,60 1
695 678 Stamp Alexandra Marianna Veselovskaya 28.11.2007 1050 0,60 1
693-695 676-678 Sheetlet Treasures of the National art museum of RB 28.11.2007 6õ1050 3,6 6
696-698 679-681(56) S / sheet Treasures of the National art museum of RB 28.11.2007 3õ1500 3 4,5
699 682 Stamp Blagovest bell 1937 05.12.2007 600 0,4 0,6
699 682 Sheetlet Blagovest bell 1937 (8 stamps +1 coupon) 05.12.2007 4800 3,5  
699 682 Stamp Blagovest bell 1937+1 coupon 05.12.2007 600 7  
700 683 Stamp Blagovest bell XIX cent 05.12.2007 1000 0,7 1
700 683 Sheetlet Blagovest bell XIX cent. (8 stamps +1 coupon) 05.12.2007 8000 5,9  
700 683 Stamp Blagovest bell XIX cent. +1 coupon 05.12.2007 1000 1  
701 684 Stamp Subchime bell 1928 05.12.2007 1200 0,8 1,2
701 684 Sheetlet Subchime bell 1928(8 stamps +1 coupon) 05.12.2007 9600 6,9  
701 684 Stamp Subchime bell 1928+1 coupon 05.12.2007 1200 1,3  
702 685(57) Stamp Subchime bell 1928 05.12.2007 2500 1,5 2,5
703 688 Stamp Christmas candle 05.12.2007 1050 0,6 1
704 689 Stamp New Year tree 05.12.2007 1050 0,6 1
703-704 688-689 Souvenir sheet Happy New Year! Merry Christmas! 05.12.2007 8õ1050 4,8  
703-704 688-689(59) Souvenir sheet Happy New Year! Merry Christmas! 05.12.2007 2100 1,5 2,1
705-708 686-687,
Souvenir sheet Happy New Year! Merry Christmas! 05.12.2007 240
5 3,5
705 687 Sheetlet Making a snowman (7stamps +1 coupon) 05.12.2007


706 688 Sheetlet Making a New Year present(7stamps +1 coupon) 05.12.2007


709 692 Applied art - Blacksmith’s work 21.12.2007 600 0,65 1,2
710 693 Applied art - Weaving 21.12.2007 600
709 692 Sheetlet Applied art - Weaving 21.12.2007 6õ600 3,9 7,5
710 693 Sheetlet Applied art - Weaving 21.12.2007 6õ600
711 694 Stamp Domestic animals - Sheep 29.12.2007 240 2 3,8
712 695 Stamp Domestic animals – Ram 29.12.2007 440
713 696 Stamp Domestic animals – Pig 29.12.2007 500
714 697 Stamp Domestic animals - Cow 29.12.2007 1050
716 698 Stamp Domestic animals - Goat 29.12.2007 1500
711 694 Sheetlet Domestic animals - Sheep 29.12.2007


12 22
712 695 Sheetlet Domestic animals – Ram 29.12.2007 6õ440
713 696 Sheetlet Domestic animals – Pig 29.12.2007 6õ500
714 697 Sheetlet Domestic animals – Cow 29.12.2007


715 698 Sheetlet Domestic animals - Goat 29.12.2007 6õ1500
2008 ãîä
716 699 Stamp Hunt - Falconry 30.01.2008 440 0,3 0,5
717 700 Sheetlet Hunt - Falconry 30.01.2008 1050 0,6 1
716 699 Stamp Hunt 30.01.2008 440õ8 2,4 12
717 700 Sheetlet Hunt 30.01.2008 1050õ8 4,8
718 701 Stamp Vincent Dunin-Marcinkevich 04.02.2008 440 0,5 0,5
718 701 Sheetlet Vincent Dunin-Marcinkevich 04.02.2008 440õ8 4 4
719 702(60) Souvenir sheet Konstantin Ostrozhskiy 17.02.2008 2500 1,4 2,5
720 703 Stamp A bird of the year – White heron 13.03.2008 1050 1 1
720 703 Sheetlet White heron (7stamps +1 coupon) 13.03.2008 7õ1050 7,5 7
720 703 Stamp A bird of the year – White heron+1 coupon 13.03.2008 1050 1,5  
721 704 Stamp The 15th anniversary of TIBO 04.04.2008 Í (890) 1 0,5
721 704 Sheetlet The 15th anniversary of TIBO 04.04.2008 8õ890 8 3,6
722 705 Stamp Europa 2008 –  Birch bark letter 28.05.2008 1000 0,6 1
723 706 Sheetlet Europa 2008 –  Birch bark letter 28.05.2008 1000 0,6 1
722 705 Stamp Europa 2008 – E-mail letter 28.05.2008 9õ1000 5,5 9
723 706 Sheetlet Europa 2008 – E-mail letter 28.05.2008 9õ1000 5,5 18
722-723 MN 16 Booklet Europa 2008 – Letter 28.05.2008 6000 4
724 707V Definitive stamp Wild animals – Raccoon 10.06.2008 10 1,5 2
725 708V Definitive stamp Wild animals – Mink 10.06.2008 200
726 709V Definitive stamp Wild animals – Hare 10.06.2008 300
727 710V Definitive stamp Wild animals – Wolf 10.06.2008 400
728 711V Definitive stamp Wild animals – Marten 10.06.2008 1000
724 -728 707-711 Sheetlet of definitive stamps Wild animals 10.06.2008 5730 3 6
724 707W Definitive stamp Wild animals – Mink 10.06.2008 10 1,2 2
725 708W Definitive stamp Wild animals – Hare 10.06.2008 200
726 709W Definitive stamp Wild animals – Hare 10.06.2008 300
727 710W Definitive stamp Wild animals – Wolf 10.06.2008 400
728 711W Definitive stamp Wild animals – Marten 10.06.2008 1000
729 712V Definitive stamp Garden flowers – Peony 10.06.2008 20 1,2 1,7
730 713V Definitive stamp Garden flowers – Petunia 10.06.2008 30
731 714V Definitive stamp Garden flowers – Narcissus 10.06.2008 50
732 715V Definitive stamp Garden flowers – Tulip 10.06.2008 100
733 716V Definitive stamp Garden flowers – Lily 10.06.2008 500
734 717V Definitive stamp Garden flowers – Rose 10.06.2008 À(260)
735 718V Definitive stamp Garden flowers – Dahlia 10.06.2008 Â(210)
736 719V Sheetlet of definitive stamps Garden flowers 10.06.2008 Í(890)
729 -736 712-719 Sheetlet of definitive stamps Garden flowers 10.06.2008   3,6 5
729 712W Definitive stamp Garden flowers – Peony 10.06.2008 20 1 1,7
730 713W Definitive stamp Garden flowers – Petunia 10.06.2008 30
731 714W Definitive stamp Garden flowers – Narcissus 10.06.2008 50
732 715W Definitive stamp Garden flowers – Tulip 10.06.2008 100
733 716W Definitive stamp Garden flowers – Lily 10.06.2008 500
734 717W Definitive stamp Garden flowers – Rose 10.06.2008 À(260)
735 718W Definitive stamp Garden flowers – Dahlia 10.06.2008 Â(210)
736 719W Definitive stamp Garden flowers – Zinnia 10.06.2008 Í(890)
737 720 Edible mushrooms - Chanterelle 08.07.2008 1000 0,55 1
737 720 Edible mushrooms - Chanterelle+1 coupon 08.07.2008 1000 0,8  
738 721 Edible mushrooms - Boletus 08.07.2008 1500 0,8 1,5
738 721 Edible mushrooms - Boletus+1 coupon 08.07.2008 1500 1,1  
737 720 Sheetlet Edible mushrooms - Chanterelle 08.07.2008 9000 13 22
738 721 Sheetlet Edible mushrooms - Boletus 08.07.2008 13500
739 722 Stamp Games of XXIX Olympiad in Beijing. Rowing 15.08.2008 1000 1 1
739 722 Sheetlet Games of XXIX Olympiad in Beijing. Rowing (9 Stamp) 15.08.2008 9000 9 9
740 723 Stamp Orders of the Republic of belarus 28.08.2008 1000 0,55 1
741 724 Stamp Orders of the Republic of belarus 28.08.2008 1000 0,55 1
742 725 Stamp Orders of the Republic of belarus 28.08.2008 1000 0,55 1
743 726 Stamp Orders of the Republic of belarus 28.08.2008 1000 0,55 1
744 727 Stamp Orders of the Republic of belarus 28.08.2008 1000 0,55 1
745 728 Stamp Orders of the Republic of belarus 28.08.2008 1000 0,55 1
746 729 Stamp Orders of the Republic of belarus 28.08.2008 1000 0,55 1
747 730 Stamp Orders of the Republic of belarus 28.08.2008 1000 0,55 1
740-747 723-730 Sheetlet Orders of the Republic of belarus 28.08.2008 8000 4,4 8
748 731 Stamp Medals of the Republic of Belarus 28.08.2008 1000 0,55 1
749 732 Stamp Medals of the Republic of Belarus 28.08.2008 1000 0,55 1
750 733 Stamp Medals of the Republic of Belarus 28.08.2008 1000 0,55 1
751 734 Stamp Medals of the Republic of Belarus 28.08.2008 1000 0,55 1
752 735 Stamp Medals of the Republic of Belarus 28.08.2008 1000 0,55 1
753 736 Stamp Medals of the Republic of Belarus 28.08.2008   0,55 1
754 737 Stamp Medals of the Republic of Belarus 28.08.2008 1000 0,55 1
755 738 Stamp Medals of the Republic of Belarus 28.08.2008 1000 0,55 1
748-755 731-738 Sheetlet Medals of the Republic of Belarus 28.08.2008 8000 4,4 8
756 740 Stamp Municipal Arms of Vitsebsk 15.09.2008 600 0,35 0,6
756 740 Stamp Municipal Arms of Vitsebsk (8 stamps + 2 cou-pons) 15.09.2008 6000 3,3  
756 740 Stamp Municipal Arms of Vitsebsk + 1 coupon 15.09.2008 600 0,45  
756 740 Stamp Municipal Arms of Vitsebsk + 1 coupon 15.09.2008 600 0,45  
757 739 Stamp Municipal Arms of Orsha 19.09.2008 500 0,5 0,5
757 739 Sheetlet Municipal Arms of Orsha (9 stamps) 19.09.2008 4500 4,5  
758 741 Stamp Municipal Arms of Nesvizh 19.09.2008 1000 0,5 1
758 741 Sheetlet Municipal Arms of Nesvizh (9 stamps) 19.09.2008 9000 4,5  
759 742 Stamp To Victims of Holocaust 21.10.2008 500 1 0,5
759 742 Sheetlet To Victims of Holocaust (8 stamps +1 coupon) 21.10.2008 4000 9 4
759 742 Stamp To Victims of Holocaust+1 coupon 21.10.2008 500 1,5  
760-762 743-745
Souv. sheet 1020th Anniversary of Christening of Rus 25.10.2008 4500
2,3 4,5
763 746 (62) Souvenir sheet 425th anniversary of Nesvizh castle 08.12.2008 3000 1,5 3
764 747 Stamp Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! 09.12.2008 500 0,25 0,5
764 747 Sheetlet Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! 09.12.2008 6Õ500 1,5 3
765 748 Stamp Happy New Year! 09.12.2008 1000 0,5 1
765 748 Sheetlet Happy New Year! 09.12.2008 4Õ1000 2 4
766 749V Definitive stamp Wild animals – European Bison 10.12.2008 5000 2,2 5
767 750 Stamp Eurasian eagle owl 22.12.2008 500 0,25 0,5
767 750 Stamp Eurasian eagle owl+1 coupon 22.12.2008 500 0,4  
768 751 Stamp Little owl 22.12.2008 500 0,25 0,5
768 751 Stamp Little owl+1 coupon 22.12.2008 500 0,4  
769 752 Stamp Common scope owl 22.12.2008 1000 0,5 1
769 752 Stamp Common scope owl+1 coupon 22.12.2008 1000 0,75  
770 753 Stamp Ural owl 22.12.2008 1000 0,5 1
770 753 Stamp Ural owl+1 coupon 22.12.2008 1000 0,75  
767 750 Sheetlet Eurasian eagle owl (7stamps +1 coupon) 22.12.2008 7Õ500 11,5 21
768 751 Sheetlet Little owl (7stamps +1 coupon) 22.12.2008 7Õ500
769 752 Sheetlet Common scope owl (7stamps +1 coupon) 22.12.2008 7Õ1000
770 753 Sheetlet Ural owl (7stamps +1 coupon) 22.12.2008 7Õ1000
768-770 750-753 Sheetlet Owls of Belarus (2 sets) 22.12.2008 6000 3 6
2009 ãîä
545 527W Definite stamp Berries – Gooseberries January 2009 C(1380) 0,65  
771 754 Stamp 200th birth anniversary of Louis Braille 04.01.2009 700 0,35 0,7
771 754 Sheetlet 200th birth anniversary of Louis Braille 04.01.2009 6õ700 2,1 4,2
772 755 Stamp Vladimir Muliavin 12.01.2009 1000 0,5 1
772 755 Sheetlet Vladimir Muliavin (3 stamps+3 coupons) 12.01.2009 3õ1000 1,5 3
773 756 Stamp 20th anniversary of withdrawal of Soviet military forces from Afghanistan 20.01.2009 400 0,2 0,4
773 756 Sheetlet 20th anniversary of withdrawal of Soviet military forces from Afghanistan (8stamps +1 coupon) 20.01.2009 8õ400 1,7 3,2
773 756 Stamp 20th anniversary of withdrawal of Soviet military forces from Afghanistan+1 coupon 20.01.2009 400 0,3  
774 757 Stamp Building of the CIS Executive Committee 19.02.2009 500 0,3 0,5
774 757 Sheetlet Building of the CIS Executive Committee 19.02.2009 9Õ500 2,7 4,5
775-778 758-761
Souvenir sheet Belarus folk holidays & celebrations (4stamps +4 coupons) 01.03.2009 4Õ500 1 2
779 762 Stamp A bird of the year – Grey goose 31.03.2009 1000 0,5 1
779 762 Sheetlet Grey goose (7stamps +1 coupon) 31.03.2009 7000 3,7 7
779 762 Stamp Grey goose+1 coupon 31.03.2009 1000 0,7  
780 763 Stamp Europa 2009 – Ancient astronomy 15.04.2009 1000 0,5 1
780 763 Sheetlet Europa 2009 – Ancient astronomy (7stamps +1 coupon) 15.04.2009 7000 3,7 7
780 763 Stamp Ancient astronomy + 1 coupon 15.04.2009 1000 0,7 1
781 764 Stamp Europa 2009 – Modern astronomy 15.04.2009 1000 0,5 1
781 764 Sheetlet Europa 2009 – Modern astronomy (7 stamps +1 coupon) 15.04.2009 7000 3,7 7
781 764 Stamp Modern astronomy+1 coupon 15.04.2009 1000 0,7 1
780-781 763-764 Booklet Europa 2009 - Astronomy 15.04.2009 6Õ1000 3  
782 765 (64) Souvenir sheet Year of Native Land 21.04.2009 2500 1,1 2,5
783 766 Stamp Poultry – Ducks 05.05.2009 1000 0,5 1
783 766 Sheetlet Poultry – Ducks (8stamps +1 coupon) 05.05.2009 8Õ1000 4,2 7
783 766 Stamp Poultry – Ducks+1 coupon 05.05.2009 1000 0,7  
784 767 Stamp Poultry – Geese 05.05.2009 1000 0,5 1
784 767 Sheetlet Poultry – Geese (8 stamps + 1 coupon) 05.05.2009 8Õ1000 5,2 7
784 767 Stamp Poultry – Geese + 1 coupon 05.05.2009 1000 0,7  
785 768 (65) Souvenir sheet Poultry - Hens 05.05.2009 3000 1,4 3
786 769 Stamp Endangered plants of Belarus – Scorzonera 08.06.2009 1500 0,75 1,5
786 769 Stamp Endangered plants of Belarus – Scorzonera+1 coupon 08.06.2009 1500 1  
787 770 Stamp Endangered plants of Belarus – Snowdrop anemone 08.06.2009 1500 0,75 1,5
787 770 Stamp Endangered plants of Belarus – Snowdrop anemone+1 coupon 08.06.2009 1500 1  
786 769 Sheetlet Endangered plants of Belarus – Scorzonera (5 stamps + 1 coupon) 08.06.2009 5Õ1500 4 15
787 770 Sheetlet Endangered plants of Belarus – Snowdrop anemone (5 stamps +1 coupon) 08.06.2009 5Õ1500 4
788-789 771-772
Souvenir sheet 65th liberation anniversary of Belarus 26.06.2009 2Õ500 0,4 1
790 773 Stamp Air sports 04.07.2009 1500 0,75 1,5
790 773 Sheetlet Air sports (5 stamps + 1 coupon) 04.07.2009 5Õ1500 4 7,5
790 773 Stamp Air sports + 1 coupon 04.07.2009 1500 1  
791 774 Stamp Parachute sport 04.07.2009 1500 0,75 1,5
791 774 Sheetlet Parachute sport 04.07.2009 5Õ1500 4 7,5
791 774 Stamp Parachute sport + 1 coupon 04.07.2009 1500 4  
792 775 Stamp 100th birth anniversary of A.A. Gromyko 18.07.2009 800 0,35 0,8
792 775 Sheetlet 100th birth anniversary of A.A. Gromyko 18.07.2009 6Õ800 2,1 4,8
793 776 Stamp 350th anniversary of the icon of Holy Virgin  of Borkolabovo 24.07.2009 1380 0,7 1,4
793 776 Sheetlet 350th anniversary of the icon of Holy Virgin  of Borkolabovo 24.07.2009 6Õ1380 4,2 8,3
794 777 Stamp Municipal Arms of Smorgon 06.09.2009 1000 0,5  
794 777 Sheetlet Municipal Arms of Smorgon (8 stamps + 1 coupon) 06.09.2009 8Õ1000 5,2  
794 777 Stamp Municipal Arms of Smorgon + 1 coupon 06.09.2009 1000 0,7  
795 778 Stamp Municipal Arms of Kobrin 19.09.2009 1000 0,5  
795 778 Sheetlet Municipal Arms of Kobrin (8 stamps + 1 coupon) 19.09.2009 8Õ1000 5,2  
795 778 Stamp Municipal Arms of Kobrin + 1 coupon 19.09.2009 1000 0,7  
766 749W Definitive stamp Wild animals – European Bison October 2009 5000 2,4 5
796-798 779-781
Souvenir sheet 600th anniversary of Belovezhskaya Puscha reserve status 03.10.2009 3Õ1500 2  
799 782 Stamp 150th anniversary of the first telegraph line Minsk-Bobruisk 16.10.2009 1380 0,7  
799 782 Sheetlet 150th anniversary of the first telegraph line Minsk-Bobruisk (7 stamps + 2 coupons) 16.10.2009 7Õ1380 5,2  
799 782 Stamp 150th anniversary of the first telegraph line Minsk-Bobruisk    +2 coupons) 16.10.2009 1380 1  
800 783 Stamp 90th birth anniversary of G.K. Makarova 23.10.2009 800 0,4  
800 783 Sheetlet 90th birth anniversary of G.K. Makarova (5stamps +1 coupon) 23.10.2009 5Õ800 2,2  
800 783 Stamp 90th birth anniversary of G.K. Makarova + 1 coupon 23.10.2009 800 0,6  
801 784 Stamp V.K. Tsvirko "Sky-blue day". 1980 05.11.2009 1000 0,5  
801 784 Sheetlet V.K. Tsvirko "Sky-blue day". 1980 (7 stamps +1 coupon) 05.11.2009 7õ1000 3,7  
801 784 Stamp V.K. Tsvirko "Sky-blue day". 1980 + 1 coupon 05.11.2009 1000 0,7  
802 785 Stamp A.G. Goravsky "Evening in the Minsk province". 1870-ies 05.11.2009 1000 0,5  
802 785 Sheetlet A.G. Goravsky "Evening in the Minsk province". 1870-ies (7 stamps + 1 coupon) 05.11.2009 7õ1000 3,7  
802 785 Stamp A.G. Goravsky "Evening in the Minsk province". 1870-ies + 1 coupon 05.11.2009 1000 0,7  
803-804 786-787
Souvenir sheet "Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!" (2 stamps + 1 coupon) 12.11.2009 2Õ1500 1,5  
805-807 788-790
Souvenir sheet "Russian Blue cat" 23.11.2009 3Õ2500 3,5  
808 791 Stamp "Football manege" 30.11.2009 1500 0,75  
809 792 Stamp "Sports complex Minsk-Arena" 30.11.2009 1500 0,75  
808-809 791-792 Sheetlet "Modern sports constructions (4 stamps + 2 coupons) 30.11.2009 6000 3  

793 (70)

Souvenir sheet "10 years since signing the Foundation Treaty of the Union State" 08.12.2009 4500 2