Maximum Cards
Maximaphily – collecting of maximum cards.
Maximum card – philatelic term that refers to the artistic postcard and also a stamp and a post mark, on which there are different but very alike images seeking to maximize the best match of all these three elements. Sometimes they are called maxicards or max cards.

Pic.1 Postcard

Pic.2 Postage stamp

Pic.3 Stamp
A maximum card (MC) comprises three main elements. MC is an artistic postal card (pic1. 1), on the illustrated side of which a postage stamp is pasted (pic.2 ). Its motif coincides with the illustration on the card and postmarked (artistic, first day, calendar) (pic. 3). Place and time of cancellation and its reason as a rule correspond to the motif of a card and a stamp.
In accordance with the provisions of maximaphily the pictures of a card and a stamp should have the same motif or identical elements. The full coincidence of the picture of a card and a stamp is possible only when they based on a single source material (the same photo, reproduction etc.). It is allowed to use only the stamps that are in postal circulation; fiscal stamps, postage due stamps and service stamps shall not be applied.
A card dimensions should be no more than 105x148 mm and not less than 90x140 mm ± 2 mm. At least not more than 75% of its area should be occupied by the image that corresponds to the motif of a stamp (or one of the motifs if there are several ones). It is prohibited to use cards with the same pictures as on stamps (for example photos of stamps). Exception is described above.
The main theme of maximum cards is flora and fauna of Belarus. A large number of maximum cards represent birds that live in Belarus. Particular attention is paid to this subject because at present in Belarus there are more than 110 species of birds. There are also many maximum cards depicting cars, tractors, sport, historical monuments, famous people and painting.
You can buy maximum cards that are listed on our site. All of them are in stock. Please send us your orders by e-mail.