
Belarusian banknotes

In our site all Belarusian banknotes (banknotes in circulation and immobilized banknotes) are presented. Here yuu can buy bons of Belarus. All presented banknotes have condition UNC (UNCIRCULATED; a German designation - “Erh I”). It is a perfectly preserved note, never mishandled by the issuing authority, a bank teller, the public or a collector. Paper is clean and firm, without discoloration. Corners are sharp and square, without any evidence of rounding, folding or bending. No light handling is present, no compromise, a perfect note. An uncirculated note will have its original, natural sheen.
Banknotes sale is carried out as separate copies, sets, and packs on 100 pieces and packings on 1000 pieces

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From history of the Belarus banknotes... Occurrence of banknotes of Belarus has begun with disorder of the USSR. The national bank of Byelorussia has released on May, 25th, 1992 paper bank notes in copecks and roubles. Initially, at release of banknotes of Belarus, 1 rouble of the Republic of Belarus was equated to 10 Russian roubles.

And on July, 24th, 1993 bank notes of the USSR and Russia have been declared by withdrawn and are deduced from the reference.
On August, 20th, 1994 by the government of Belarus has been declared reduction of cost of money of Belarus in 10 times. A change for Belarus were not minted.

Though settlement tickets of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus both have not been declared by bank notes and are let out initially in addition to the basic monetary unit - Soviet, and further to the Russian rouble, the subsequent events have allowed to erect them in a rank of cash Belarus roubles. In May, 1994 decision National Bank of the Republic of Belarus unique lawful payment means for territories of Belarus recognises the Belarus rouble, and in a cash monetary turn - the banknotes, called settlement tickets.

Since March, 1st, 1995 are deduced from the reference in view of a deterioration of 50 copecks, and also 1, 3, 5 roubles. On denominations from 1 to 100 roubles representatives of fauna of Belarus are represented, and on bank notes of higher advantage architectural images are placed. The banknote in 5000 roubles, dated 1992, is released in 1993, and the banknote in 10 000 in general is passed by advantage, as in 1994 in the reference has been let out banknotes in 20 000 roubles. In 1998 in connection with State Emblem and flag change, also the design of banknotes also has changed. In 2000 domination was spent, thus from banknotes have cleaned three zero.

According to the Decree of the President of Belarus on January, 1st 2000 new bank notes of Belarus by advantage in 1, 5, 10, also 20, 50, 100, and also 500, 1000 and 5000 rbl., and in 2001 - 10000 rbl., in 2002 - 20000 roubles and 50000 roubles, in 2005 - 100000 roubles have been entered into the reference.

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